Saturday, January 10, 2009

Macaroni and it ain't pasta...

I was born with green eyes, literally, they change shades at times from bright green to blue... The worst shade they change into though is when they turn green "with envy"... yes they can turn really deep green with envy. One such time was when the new First Family entered the White House, in Washington, DC... this was a very young first family, having two very small children. This was the Kennedy family, President John Kennedy, his wife "Jackie", their two children Caroline, and John... referred to as "John-John" by the press. I was a young child myself and a spoiled one at that, but the one thing I really wanted was my own pony. Now I was taken to stables and allowed to ride ponies whenever I wanted to. But the real "ownership" of a pony was denied me, an act that did not sit well with me. I tried to compensate for this longing and loss I felt by having a large collection of play horses and many rocking horses... These on some level calmed the longing within me and the "annoyance" I felt against my parents for daring to deny me a pony!!! That is until Caroline Kennedy arrived on the scene... You see when she moved into the White House, she was allowed to bring many pets with her, there was Charlie the dog and others as well. This was okay with me for I had cats, dogs, fish, birds and my brothers having snakes and frogs. Things were fine until I saw on TV a horse trailer being unloaded at the White House and out came the "most beautiful pony" ever!!!! I fell in love instantly, there on that little TV in my living room was my dream, that was the pony I was suppose to have for it was already mine in my thoughts and dreams... This tiny little stead was a stuffed animal come alive, a fairy tale waiting for me, there it was... Then I learned this pony belonged to Caroline Kennedy, and its name was "Macaroni"; Macaroni was brought to live on the White House Property so Caroline could keep up her riding.... How unfair I thought, this cannot be, she has a pony at her home and I cannot have one... My parents paid for this with my whining and complaining... "I want a pony"... If this girl, (in my green eyes she was a brat) could have a pony at the White House, why not me... To add further pain to this injury of mine, the press showed that pony and Caroline endlessly... the pony even had a photo session with the President... To this day I am not a fan of Caroline Kennedy, I think it stems from the Macaroni incident... This pony incident was my first taste of life being unfair.... but I must say my dad felt really bad not giving me a pony as did my mom, they tried to reason with me... that they did not have the time to take care of a pony or the place to put it... Reason was not what I wanted to hear (not so much even now), I wanted a pony.... Why tell you this story of green eyed envy... first, it is not a nice thing to do... But the greater thing is... hold onto to those childhood dreams you may see them yet... I did not have a pony as a child, but I was able to give my two children their very own ponies, the first one on Christmas Day, a pony that they both shared. Then they were given their own ponies and Jozlyn had several, either owned or leased for her. So there is a God, not a fan of greened eyed with envy little children, but of little children that have dreams about ponies and things, he will answer such things if you believe and have faith... I ended up with, "5" ponies when your moms were small and even a newborn one... And now I see why my parents said no, they are a lot of work and take up much of your time and most of your money... Yet, I thank God for hearing this little girl's prayer for a pony... he could have sent one, yet he sent 5, and the ability to see the joy in the eyes of mine daughters as their blue and green eyes lit up upon seeing their very own pony for the first time... So Caroline, if I ever meet you my eyes will twinkle with delight and do not mind if I say... nana-nana... I "had" 5 ponies to your one... did I ever tell you grandchildren I can be a brat ??? When you are older though it is called being a bitch... (this phrase I am sure will be deleted by your moms, but they know that I am one, they lived with me)... To give testimony to my being a brat and having green eyes towards Caroline Kennedy... I still remember a song that was song about her when she came to the White House.... it went like this. "My Daddy is President" My daddy is president We make a happy pair learning my alphabet ABCD..JFK I don't play dollies I play the game of government Because my daddy is president... So you think I had issues in life... you bet... don't mess with my pony...

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