Sunday, January 11, 2009

sugar cubes and drugs

I actually forgot about this but a friend of mine who is several years older then me reminded me ... drugs on a sugar cube.... When I was born there was no inoculation for polio, it was a dreadful disease crippling thousands of people yearly. When I was a young child they developed a vaccine for this and it was given nation wide and in the beginning it was given free. Large vans would come into the area and give out "sugar cubes" with the vaccines on it... So you literally were given a small sugar cube and that was your polo vaccination. This was a time in history that many drugs, legal and illegal ones were placed on sugar cubes and taken.... the one that comes to mind is LSD, this was the common way back then for people to take this drug.... LSD is an illegal psychedelic drug made popular in California, Berkley University by a Dr. Timothy Leary... he actually tried to do scholarly research on this drug but got hooked on it and it eventually fried his brain and his research... The ones who created the drug though was the government and they were the first to use it on a human being in the field.. LSD had a nasty issue of giving people "trips" when taken to often, even after they stopped taking the drug Regards drugs I never took any illegal drugs throughout my life... I was approached many times, the one I remember the most I was in 7Th grade and someone asked if I wanted a "goof ball"... that was a term for a drug back then, but I did not know it was. When I heard the term goof ball I thought I have enough trouble learning why would I want to take something to make me more goofy... (so I was a slow learner and very naive as well). Regards drugs... corny but true.... just say no... your brain in gear is the best drug ever, fire up your own brain synapses the natural way..

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