Saturday, January 3, 2009

What's up with the name Pumpernickel?

I was given the nickname Pumpernickel by my father, your great-grandfather, pumpernickel being his favorite bread. I was the youngest of three children and one could say that my mom and dad raised two sons and a princess (that would be me). My parents did their best to spoil all three of their children and shined in their ability to do so with me. Although I never considered myself "spoiled", I thinking all little girls were treated in the fashion I was, realizing only as an adult that my childhood was privileged in many ways. Although spoiled by parents life was not as kind as they were to me, struggling with undiagnosed learning disabilities, causing a large learning gap between the academic skills of my brothers and me. Causing me to always feel inferior to those with "knowledge" for I lacked academic skills. My struggles with learning through conventional ways are still a part of my life. I have "learned" through life that knowledge is not an achievement, wisdom is, yet we live in a world that measures a person by degrees, to place a pun on the word, the higher the degrees a person has, the hotter they are in life. My "temperature" in this department is minus zero degrees. Yet by some act of God I have survived and now I write to you... Do not define yourselves with "degrees" or achievements, seek that, which is higher, go deep inside yourselves and bring forth that, which is within. Always remember if what you seek... you find not within... you will never find it without... No external can bring you happiness or grant you peace, that is a personal decision that you hold within yourself. Let no one define you, for you are perfect within. Dream and be that which your heart calls you to be... always dare to be a "David"....always dare to take a stand...always dare to have a purpose in life... and always dare to make it known... And as I have told others if you are given the chance in life to dance do so, do not sit it out, get out on the floor and dance... The music is in you it is in everyone of us...

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