Saturday, January 10, 2009

Say it isn't snow!

I am at my computer on this day snowed in, at a small cabin in the woods, how I got here I do not know. This place is not where I was suppose to be at this stage of my life, indeed I would never have imagined being here at any stage. I reside in place of merger means and no real access to during storms, truly I am in isolation here. The up side this causes me to think, to write and capture thoughts of the past to leave with you, so they will live forever with you in place called your heart, for although I "reside" in a cabin, I write this blog from my heart to you my grandchildren. During your lives on earth there will be many places you will "reside" in, as I have had many. I was concerned in the past that these many changes of addresses would cause me not to have any roots... Until I learned that roots are not in a location or address they are within you. Your "house" can be anywhere, your "home" is wherever you are. It does not matter the condition or size of your, "house", it does matter the condition and the size of your, "home". Your home must always be big enough for just one more, no matter what is going on inside you, there is always someone who is being challenged harder in life and that is the just one more that you need to bring into your "home", open up your heart to that one and shelter them with your kindness, caring and love. So keep a light always burning in your, "home", your heart, and I promise, no matter where I am, be it in eternity or time I will see your lights shine and send you my love and you will feel this, inside, this "home" of yours. I tell you now for all the times I should have, or needed to do so more, or can not longer do, I will love you forever. When I leave this planet there will be no earthly goods or remains from me to bestow upon society. Yet there will be the greatest of all of these things in the persons of all of you. Each one of you is my legacy to the world, my prayer for it to change and become of peace and love. For that is the planet I wish for you all to inhabit and for all others upon it... An era of peace, long ago promised by someone much greater then us, that is where I hope you will be residing someday.

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